Sunday, January 25, 2009

Flying Squirrel - Suet

Flying squirrel on the suet feeder. I never knew they did that!
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Monday, January 12, 2009

Flying Squirrels (plural)

Waiting for peanuts/butter. My first pix of multiples. This year -after a 3 year drought - I see one every night, as many as three. Is it the lack of acorns, that I read about? Or am I just advertising better?

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Thursday, January 01, 2009

Aralia II

Check out that color!
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Aralia spinosa fruit?

From the summer/fall. I love this tree/shrub. The branching habit is soooo unusual, very easy to grow. Plus supposedly a high-value wildlife food. I think this is the fourth year, we got fruit, I had a little trouble getting a good picture as the fruits were at the top 10-15' high. I think they're unripe.
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